Tips for Hotels

Reseliva Academy / Tips for Hotels

How to receive more online direct reservaitons
from my website

Here is the guide for hoteliers to receive more direct reservation from hotel website.
How to receive more online direct reservations from my website
Website Design
Detailed Context
Good Quality Photos and Videos
Special Offers and Promotions
Booking Engine

Website Design
Build a clean, simple and responsive website

Build a clean, simple and responsive website

Detailed Context
Update your website context with clear and detailed information

Update your website context with clear and detailed information

Good Quality Photos and Videos
Upload quality photos and videos of your property on your website

Upload quality photos and videos of your property on your website

Special Offers and Promotions
Create special offers and campaigns preferably with pop-ups

Create special offers and campaigns preferably with pop-ups

Extra Services
Provide free or paid extra services to your guests to get them attention

Provide free or paid extra services to your guests to get them attention

Tourist Attractions
Promote your local attractions like festivals and tours

Promote your local attractions like festivals and tours

Booking Engine
Allow your guest to book directly on your website by using a booking engine.

Allow your guest to book directly on your website by using a booking engine.
Your website design, detailed context, good quality photos and videos is a must to introduce your property for your guests.
Promoting your local tourist attractions like festivals and tours will be helpful travellers who think choosing your hotel.
Thanks to booking engine in your website, special offers ,promotions and free or paid extra services will get guests attentions.
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