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The company situated at 670 meters. above sea level is 7 km. from the old town of Gubbio, in an oasis of enchanting beauty and tranquility.
The area has a pristine nature famous for its wood products (mushrooms, truffles rich game (pheasants, hares,
deer, wild boar) ideal for walking, mountain paths in biking and trekking on horseback.
It is spread over 14 hectares, part forest and part devoted to crops and breeding of horses.
You can buy business products or services from companies in the territory(oil, jams, honey etc.).
The structure, recently restructured, is very welcoming and is composed from several
apartments that are adapted to the requirements and the number of the hosts.
Each apartment has a kitchen, bedroom with bathroom, entrance and large outdoor spaces usable by persons with disabilities; they are equipped with all necessary equipment (pottery, linens and heating).
Loc.San Martino in Colle 06024 collinare Gubbio
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The farmhouse "Borgo San Benedetto", located inside the ancient Fortress walls, from it takes the name, offers its guests a completely renovated structure totally preserving the traditional Umbrian style.
The first documents witnessing the existence of the Fortress date back to the XIIth century, although it is thought to be still more ancient. The Fortress had initially been built as a defence of the nearby "San Benedetto" monastery (where San Francis from Assisi stayed for a period).
loc.san benedetto vecchio 58 06024 gubbio loc.san benedetto vecchio Gubbio
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