Somin Lagum B&B
Location Information
Ul. Svetozara Markovica 8  21205    Sremski Karlovci  / Serbia
Danubio, Fruska Gora
Transport Information to City
Sremski Karlovci is situated 10km from Novi Sad and about 70km from Belgrade and 65km from International Airport Nikola Tesla, on the road E75 Belgrade - Subotica on the international M22.1 Belgrade-Budapest. Arrival is possible from both directions by train or road transport.
Arrival by Car
In Sremski Karlovci, from the main road M22.1 turn on Jovana Jovanova Zmaja (gas station) and continue intill st. Mitrololita Stratimirovica. From here you can turn left and first street right Cika Djurica(between a small supermarket Duki and a bakery) continue util Svetozara Markovica, turn right and continue until the number 8. This route is shorter but less convenient for car. By car: once in the Mitropolita Stratimirovica street, turn right up to street Strazilovska and turn left; here in 30m turn left again and continue following Svetozara Markovica until number 8. Welcome!
Arrival by Public Transport
Bus and train
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